On Reading

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss

What a fitting quote by one of my favourite authors. I have loved reading ever since the time my memory can take me back. I don’t remember any time when I had passed on an opportunity to read. My husband still jokes about how I took books with us on our honeymoon!

What I have always believed is, a reader will always find time to read. No matter the circumstances or the place you are in. You just have to have the thirst to read.

When I had my first born, the initial few months were crazy to say the least. I had a stack of books lying next to my bed on the reading table that I just couldn’t find the time to explore during that phase. This was the longest I had gone without reading and the guilt gnawed at me day in and out. I felt that if I didn’t make time to read, I would lose a significant part of my soul.

That is when I took things in my own hands instead of going with the flow. Surprisingly, I didn’t have to do much. A reader always finds a way. I just made some time for myself each day where I read, uninterrupted, for atleast a solid hour. It wasn’t so difficult to find that niche in my busy day. The best time for me was when my little one would be napping. As she grew older, her nap time increased which gave me more time to read. And then came times when she would come crawling to me with a baby book in her hand and would be skimming through it while I read. She soon understood the importance of this time of the day. She would explore her books in complete silence alongside.

Now, my 6 year old demands reading time every single day. We read books together, reflect on what we read and also role play to our favourite stories. She’s seen me reading ever since she was a baby and I am glad that I was able to instill the love for reading in her early.

If you are into reading, treat yourself to reading time every day. Our children learn from our actions, so if you wish for them to experience adventures in the form of reading, then you’ll have to embark on those adventures yourself.

📷 Unsplash

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