The Lazy Working Mother

When I first started this blog, I had no idea what I was doing and where I wanted this to go. I felt bored one day and writing is what I loved most, so I decided to give this blog a try. And when I did start writing, I realized that I had so much in myself that wanted to break out in the form of words. I kept writing and the words kept coming to me naturally, flowing from my fingertips like waterfalls.

I needed this outlet in order to gather my thoughts, look at things objectively. Analyze various perspectives, understand where they are coming from. I have realized that this personal space has helped me evolve in leaps and bounds.

When I reflect on my blog posts from the beginning of this journey, I can clearly picture a struggling writer behind those words. The person who has yet to experience so much, learn so much. I want to go back and rewrite those posts. Make them sound more coherent, more attractive.

But, am I being true to myself then? Not so much. Those posts remind me of who I was before and how I have progressed as an individual. They’re a testament to the unique journey I have had.

I love this little space where I get to talk about all things mindless and mindful too. I also love it when I write whatever’s on my mind and I see people connecting with it, relating to my stories. I still don’t know what I plan on doing with this space in the future, all I know is I love narrating my life experiences with people who feel connected with me through this blog. Here’s to many more stories and heart to hearts.

Also, please enjoy this cup of Coffee that signifies my existence.

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